
Publisher Note

Photographer, writer and specialist in glacio-speleology, the author takes us on a poetic stroll to discover a little-known world, where nature has sculpted, far from the gaze of men, a universe of a dizzying variety of shapes, colors and materials. Ephemeral formations, most of these cavities only existed for the duration of one season, transforming from month to month to the point of appearing unrecognizable from one exploration to the next. This testimonial book is therefore in no way a guide. It is an ode to this extraordinary material that is ice, a praise to nature and a call to those who contemplate it. Because we bring to the mountain a certain number of discourses – idealist, realistic, romantic, mystical, patriotic, heroic, colonizing – while our glaciers are now part of the natural heritage in danger.
The author offers a more responsible and committed contemplative look, the common thread of this work.



— Dans le ventre des glaciers

by Jean-Francois Delhom

Release Place Lausanne, Switzerland
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2023
ISBN-13: 978-2-8289-2123-1
Subform Photobook
Topics Ghiacciai, Glacier
Methods Photography
Language French
Format hardcover
Dimensions 30.0 × 30.0 cm
Pages 228