Cover, image source:


Special edition of XV signed copies with a unique collage and a poster

Publisher Note

"The last wayfarers retired in the catacombs (1965)" is the trace of a possible narrative, it is a presage suspended in an indefinite temporal dimension.
Luca Scarabelli imagines himself as a wayfarer awakening after a long sleep. His gaze contemplates the pure universe, the nature and the traces left by humans, symbolized by stars, clouds and fire smokes. These elements are part of the everyday life, but they are often forgotten and hardly captured in their true complexity. Only the awakening, perhaps imaginary, can guarantee a visionary perspective towards the Sublime. The idea of the artist synthesizes many suggestions from the Sublime poetics of the Romanticism, from the writings of Walter Benjamin, Roland Barthes, George Bataille; from the short film "La Jetée" by Chris Marker and from Guido Morselli's writings as "Dissipatio H.D.".

Artists’ Book

Gli ultimi viandanti si ritirarono nelle catacombe (1965)

by Luca Scarabelli

Release Place Lissone, Italy
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2015
Artist: Luca Scarabelli
Printrun 65
ISBN-13: 9788873365778
Inscription numbered
Subform Photobook
Methods Photography, Writing
Language Italian
Dimensions 23.0 × 28.0 × 1.5 cm
Weight 500 gram
Pages 74
Technique Digital offset

last updated 1685 days ago

Data Contributor: Choisi Bookshop

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