Front Cover, image source: Publisher

Publisher Note

This book is a transcript of hours of bus rides through London. Conversations, soundscapes, and announcements are meticulously written down, with priority given to the loudest noise or the loudest voice(s).
The result is a dense textual fabric, a hybrid between documentation and poetry. In the process, Miggitsch creates a portrait of a sound environment that belongs to a particular place.It is not surprising that Susanne Miggitsch actually comes from photography. Her textual recording of what she hears is reminiscent of a photographic process and its attempt to depict what is seen one-to-one. Both, of course, capture only fragments: “I really tried, but I'm afraid I have to admit that I was not able to capture it all with just a pen in my hand.” The book is to be understood as a script/score and will be performed by several voices when it is presented.

Artists’ Book

Heating up the seat

by Susanne Miggitsch

Release Place Vienna, Austria
Release Date 2023
Designer: Astrid Seme
Printrun 500
ISBN-13: 978-3-903353-12-1
Topics London, Noise, Public Transport, Voices
Methods Transcription
Dimensions 11.0 × 17.5 cm
Pages 192

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BaseCamp Library

last updated 163 days ago

Created by Jan

Edited by Jan