Cover, Scanned from original, image source: Publisher


Published 2023 to coincide with Wren300 & the exhibition ‘Wren on Paper’ hosted by Art+Christianity.

Publisher Note

Does architecture have memory? What would buildings remember? 300 years after the death of Sir Christopher Wren many of his churches remain in London. Once the high points on the horizon, the towers and steeples are now submerged amongst surrounding skyscrapers, it is at street level in close up that we encounter these buildings.

The photographs presented here focus on the textures and patinations imprinted on the exterior stone walls over the passage of years; the viewpoints are from eye level, we are face to face with them in the present. But they are evocative of the past, providing a feeling of history rather than a factual retelling of dates, names and places.

Artists’ Book

What Remains

by James Newton

Publisher self-published
Release Place London, United Kingdom
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2023
Artist: James Newton
Printrun 30
Inscription numbered
Availability Available
Subform Book Stitched Inner Mounted In Screenprinted Card Cover
Topics Archicture, Christopher Wren, Churches, City Of London, London, Wren
Methods Architectural Photography, Photography
Dimensions 19.0 × 28.0 × 0.5 cm
Pages 72
Technique One-Color Risograph, Risograph