Front Cover


Amazzonia, Foresta, Huaorani, Amazzonia

Publisher Note

The word Huacayñan in indigenous language means “Journey of tears”. In this images, taken in 2016 in and around the Amazon forest in Yasuni National Park, you will come across fragments of a culture quickly disappearing. The park, due to its soil richness, estimated to be around 800 million barrels of oil, has been targeted by several multinational oil companies that have been polluting and exploiting the area for over 50 years. This area is Huaorani territory and the communities living there are corrupted by those companies, which in exchange of services, schools, internet and food set up their oil drills near them. Over the years, many Huaorani have abandoned their traditional lifestyle in favour of a more capitalist turn, affecting a millennial balance with modern western goods.

Release Place Italy
Release Date 2016
Availability Available
Subform Photobook
Language English
Format Paperback
Dimensions 29.7 × 21.0 cm
Pages 56