Publisher Note
Inspired by the principle of reproducibility as a scientific method, this work should be seen as a diptych. The designs of the 26 maritime signal flags for the alphabet are used in two booklets with a random choice of the three basic colours. The computer was not used for the layout, but the RISO Duplicator was operated as a copier. An attempt was made to create the same layout twice.
Publisher | self-published |
Release Place | Maastricht, Netherlands |
Edition | 1st edition |
Release Date | 2020 |
Credits |
Printrun | 66 |
Inscription | signed, numbered |
Availability | Available |
Work | |
Subform | Artist's Book |
Object | |
Format | Pamphlet stitch in sleeve |
Dimensions | 17.0 × 23.0 × 1.0 cm |
Interior | |
Pages | 56 |