Cover, Scanned from original, image source: Publisher

Publisher Note

A series of found polaroid photographs seen from the rear and presented as abstract objects. Polaroids have an inbuilt ‘frame’ within which the picture plane sits, these photographs have been removed from their frames and stuck in an album. Subsequently removed, the damage caused by this process is revealed as are the hand written captions describing places and dates. Rather than showing the people and places photographed they now ‘testify to time’s relentless melt’ (Susan Sontag).

A meditation on the idea of photography and memory.

Artists’ Book

Memento Mori

by James Newton

Publisher self-published
Release Place London, United Kingdom
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2023
Artist: James Newton
Printrun 50
Availability Available
Subform Artist's Book
Topics Memento Mori, Memory, Polaroids, Susan Sontag, Time
Methods Found Images, Found Photography
Pages 16
Technique Hp Indigo