
Publisher Note

The Cavour canal is an artificial canal built to support agriculture (in particular rice cultivation) which originates from the Po in Chivasso (TO) and ends in the Ticino in the municipality of Galliate (NO).

Its total length is almost 83 km and it is the third Italian channel for length, after the Emiliano Romagnolo channel and the Villoresi channel. At the entrance it has a maximum flow rate of 110 m³ / s, which to the east of the Sesia is reduced to 85 m³ / s. The name recalls Camillo Benso di Cavour, who was one of its promoters.

The Cavour Canal was built in the second half of the nineteenth century and is still considered one of the most important works, at European level, in the hydraulic engineering sector.
It was designed in coherence with the landscape in which it descends placidly and this publication illustrates the entire route from the entrance to the Po di Chivasso, in the immediate vicinity of Turin, through the province of Vercelli, up to the confluence in Ticino, in the province of Novara, a stone's throw from Lombardy.
Fifteen stages that in just over 80 kilometers allow you to appreciate a land rich in valuable testimonies that unite man with the environment, parks and reserves, the ecosystem of rice fields, medieval, Gothic and Baroque architectural excellence, castles transformed into sumptuous residences aristocratic or almost impregnable fortresses.
An area that was once wooded and swampy, today boasts a precious combination of land and water, offers a serene and measured air, the usual quiet atmosphere, the vision of a remote life.
Seemingly immobile, in reality it is always on the move. In spring, flooded with water, it reflects the blue of a sky that promises dreams; in summer, the buds of its best fruit transform it into a green sea of ​​good perfumes; in autumn, it shines with the golden waves of ripe crops; in winter, wrapped in the unreal iridescence of the Po Valley fog, he falls asleep, but, under the bitter cold, he is already preparing to be reborn.


Il Canale Cavour

— Una romantica e preziosa via d’acqua sospesa tra il Po e il Ticino, tra cielo e terra

by Sergio Dall'Olio

Release Place Turin, Italy
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2021
Writer: Mauro Pedron
Author: Mauro Pedron
ISBN-13: 9788831450140
Topics Italy, Po Valley, Water
Dimensions 21.0 × 21.0 cm
Pages 128