
Publisher Note

A significant part of the work of artistic researcher Martin Tscholl (DE) involves walking through meadows, forests, and mountains. Here, he encounters a web of interconnections that extends far beyond the realm of humans. This web is inhabited by a wide variety of organisms, materials, and processes that are mutually dependent and in permanent change. By actively looking out for these other beings located in the margins of our phenomenal perception, a correspondence between the human and the non-human spheres starts to unfold. In this process, positions emerge in which the apparent opposites of the rational and irrational, life and non-life, art and nature, converge.

Tscholl’s photography allows us to recognise the silent fragments of nature as being different from us, but also as originating from the same ontological ground. The many mystical objects in this book seem like they could come to life at any moment, giving us a warm sense of connection.


Imaginary Ecologies

by Martin Tscholl

Release Place Breda, Netherlands
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2024
Writer: Martin Tscholl
Designer: Rob van Hoesel
Artist: Martin Tscholl
ISBN-13: 9789083357157
Subform Photobook
Topics Utopia
Methods Photography
Language English
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 22.5 × 30.8 cm
Pages 240