
Publisher Note

Maïmouna  Guerresi works in a hybrid embrace of ancestry from African, Asian and European cultures, following her conversion to Islam. Her sculptural, almost architectural creations fuse the face and limbs of the subject with the space, some levitating, others bodiless, their veils encompassing an empty expanse, heads floating overhead.   

In her unique style Maïmouna Guerresi combines Afro-Asian themes and symbolism with the traditions of Western classical iconography. This unique mélange incorporates cultural and religious influences, and fusion of different artistic languages.

Her meticulously composed and highly impactful photographs include veiled figures that symbolise the body as a sacred building, as the "temple of the soul," a modernist style reminiscent of some traditional Madonnas of classical art. The costumes are made of fabrics that she has collected in travels in Africa or Asia.

The book is composed of ten chapters, ranging from "Light Signs: Frontiers Between the Known and Unknown" to "The Giants: Dark Faces of the Great Spirit Guides" through photographs that are totally distinctive in terms of creating environments that are fantastic and ethereal.


Inner Constellations

by Maïmouna Guerresi

Release Place New York, NY, United States of America
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2015
ISBN-13: 9780990380887
Subform Photobook
Topics Costumes, Fashion, West And East Culture
Methods Photography
Language English
Format hardcover with dustjacket
Dimensions 24.0 × 33.8 cm
Pages 232