
Publisher Note

We live in an era of exponential image multiplication. Tourists post their photos on websites. Photography is omnipresent in the promotion of large resorts, where it plays a role of appeal. The models for these images were often made by craftsmen and artists, the image makers of the Alps, now forgotten. Claude Reichler presents their work through research on old travel books, which constitutes a history of the view of the Alpine world. This fascinating material tells of a link to nature very different from that of contemporary tourism. Practicing in turn the global approach and fine analysis, combining geography and the history of art or cultural history, entering into the details of the representations, the author takes us on a journey through time and, like a sure and pleasant guide, opens up worlds of which we perceive today only the froth. Enriched with significant multimedia documentation through augmented content accessible on the Internet, this book develops in an archipelago, from one site to another, from one perspective to another, from the present to the past.

Art Theory

Les Alpes et leurs imagiers

by Claude Reichler

Release Place Lausanne, Switzerland
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2013
Editor: Claude Reichler
Author: Claude Reichler
ISBN-13: 9782889150335
Subform Essay
Topics Ghiacciai, Glacier
Methods Essay, Writing
Language French
Format paperback
Dimensions 12.0 × 18.0 cm
Pages 144