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New York City Babe by Antonio Rovaldi is a guide through images to all the things that you can't miss in New York, such as squirrels, forks, footprints, graffiti, leaves and even bat umbrellas. In fact, it can be used almost everywhere, as long as you are taking a stroll with a child. This book is dedicated to New York City, to the music of its streets, its sidewalks, and the rhythm of its walks.

New York City Babe is a guide through images to all the things that you can’t miss in New York, such as squirrels, forks, footprints, graffiti, leaves and even bat umbrellas. In fact, it can be used almost everywhere, as long as you are taking a stroll with a child. This book is dedicated to New York City, to the music of its streets, its sidewalks, and the rhythm of its walks.

Artists’ Book

New York City Babe

by Antonio Rovaldi

Release Place Paris, France
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2017
Artist: Antonio Rovaldi
Printrun 400
ISBN-13: 9791095702023
Subform Photobook
Topics New York
Methods Photography
Language Italian, French, English
Dimensions 30.0 × 20.0 × 1.0 cm
Weight 500 gram
Pages 50

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Artphilein Library

last updated 1637 days ago

Data Contributor: Choisi Bookshop

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