

Publisher Note

Priè d'insérer (by Louis Lüthi) - The subject of this book is the page, and the pages reproduced in it are taken from works of literature (or, in some cases, art books that derive specifically from literature). I have chosen to present them thematically, resulting in a typology of self-reflexive pages: Black Pages, Blank Pages, Drawing Pages, Photography Pages, Text Pages, Number Pages, and Punctuation Pages. The repetition this entails is somewhat deceptive (for a start, the reader will observe the slight but not insignificant differences between the visual and verbal presentations); in literature, such devises are often used as a counterpoint to what has preceded or what will follow in the narrative. And the same means may evidently be used to different ends. For these reasons, and because the book attempts only to trace an isolated theme through numerous and often otherwise unrelated works, the reader is in all instances referred to the original publications, which are listed in the bibliography. ISBN 978 90 77459 47 8

Artists’ Book

On the Self-Reflexive Page

by Louis Lüthi

Release Place Amsterdam, Netherlands
Release Date 2010
Artist: Louis Lüthi
Printrun 700
ISBN-13: 978 90 77459 47 8
Original Price 15.42 EUR
Availability Out of Print
Dimensions 13.0 × 20.0 cm
Pages 160

last updated 1796 days ago

Data Contributor: Christoph Schifferli, ROMA Publications

Created by edcat

Edited by edcat, Jan