Cover, image source: private



Publisher Note

Series of photographs of abandoned monuments in former Yugoslavia. Willem Jan Neutelings, quoted from this book: "The Antwerp-based photographer Jan Kempenaers undertook a laborious trek through the Balkans in order to photograph a series of these mysterious objects. He captures the Spomeniks in the misty mountain landscape at sundown. Looking at the photographs one must admit to a certain embarrassment. We see the powerful beauty of the monumental sculptures and we catch ourselves forgetting the victims in whose name they were built. This is in no way a reproach to the photographer, but rather attests to the strength of the images. After all, Kempenaers did not set out as a documentary photographer, but first and foremost as an artist seeking to create a new image. An image so powerful that it engulfs the viewer. He allows the viewer to enjoy the melancholy beauty of the Spomeniks, but in so doing, forces us to take a position on a social issue." Design: Roger Willems. ISBN 978 90 77459 50 8

Release Place Amsterdam, Netherlands
Release Date 2010
Artist: Jan Kempenaers
ISBN-13: 978 90 77459 50 8
Original Price 28.79 EUR
Availability Out of Print
Subform Photobook
Dimensions 33.5 × 24.5 cm
Pages 64

last updated 1784 days ago

Data Contributor: Christoph Schifferli, ROMA Publications

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