Front Cover, image source: Publisher

Publisher Note

Stills From Seven Works is a compilation of stills from Nicolas Cilins’ films over the last ten years. It was conceived by Nicolas Cilins with graphic designer Paul Chemetoff. The book, co-published by Apparatus and NERO, contains hundreds of pictures documenting seven projects. The images are arranged into grids, like a contact sheet or a storyboard.

The book includes an academic essay by Kathleen Bühler, film historian and chief curator at the Kunstmuseum Bern, a philosophical reading by French philosopher and art critic David Zerbib, and a conversation between German curator and researcher Anja Lückenkemper and Nicolas Cilins.

Artist Monograph

Nicolas Cilins

Stills From Seven Works

edited by Paul Chemetoff, Nicolas Cilins

Release Date 2024
Artist: Nicolas Cilins
Topics Video Art
Methods Film
Dimensions 22.0 × 21.0 cm
Pages 274

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BaseCamp Library

last updated 43 days ago

Created by Jan

Edited by Jan