image source: edition fink


Published as volume 5 in the paperback series fink twice / 612 Illustrations, paperback / The series fink twice was awarded as one of the Most Beautiful Swiss Books 2014 and received an Honorary Appreciation in the competition Most Beautiful Books from All Over the World in 2015

Publisher Note

With the number 505 the paperback series fink twice, initiated in 2014, is continued. Under the title “The complete series of Boabooks artists’ notepads”, the volume brings together reprints of 28 artist’s books in the form of a writing pad, which Izet Sheshivari published between 2008 and 2011 in his publishing house Boabooks.
The individual blocks each contain a 20-part contribution by one artist. The individual image and text contributions are separated by a blank sheet of paper, so that short breaks are created when turning the pages or space is left for one’s own notes. The artist’s publications have been produced in digital print in an edition of between 30 and 50 numbered copies, and most of them were soon out of print.
For reprinting the blank pages have been omitted. Nevertheless, the paperback book has over 1200 pages. This publication brings together the complete series for the first time and allows the reader to follow the development of the series and the wide range of contributions in a condensed form.

last updated 1534 days ago

Data Contributor: Vice Versa

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Edited by finkedition, edcat