
Publisher Note

One of Ogawa's most celebrated publications is The Dreaming' a collection of black and white photographs shot during his travels throughout Asia and Latin America over the past 30 years. Rather than focusing solely on the destination, Ogawa's black and white imagery creates an intimate poetic record of the emotions and sentiments that come with the act of traveling itself; the sense of freedom and adventure, the sweet boredom of a long train journey or the simple pleasure of feeling alive. In 'The Dreaming', he invites us to explore the hidden depths of our own psyche and connect with the natural world in a profound and meaningful way.

“My work is not about documenting the world. It is about looking for, and capturing emotions. I hope the viewer can feel some emotions too when watching my work.” – Yasuhiro Ogawa


The Dreaming

by Yasuhiro Ogawa

Release Place Hong Kong, China
Tokyo, Japan
Release Date 2022
Writer: Yasuhiro Ogawa
Artist: Yasuhiro Ogawa
ISBN-13: 978-4-909883-16-2
Subform Photobook
Topics Asia, Landscape, Latina America, Travels
Methods Photography
Language Japanese, English
Format Softcover
Dimensions 22.6 × 24.6 cm
Pages 104

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