
Publisher Note

'The Package Holiday': factor two sunscreen, brightly-coloured Speedos and duty-free cigarettes by the pool, the pleasures of the early package holiday are captured in this collection of technicolour photographs of the British abroad. Taken by an English photographer and compiled by his son, these photographs are a nostalgic celebration of a bygone era.
The British package holiday was a national institution. Just before the boom in tourism, Clark had moved to Mallorca in 1968 to set up a commercial studio having previously been based in London. He was therefore perfectly placed to document the new hotels that were popping up as package holidays grew in popularity, and his images appeared in a legion of brochures for the likes of Thomas Cook and Skytours.
Trevor Clark (1933-2018) was a British photographer.


The Package Holiday 1968-1985

by Trevor Clarck

Release Place London, United Kingdom
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2024
Designer: Friederike Huber
Artist: Trevor Clarck
ISBN-13: 9781914314582
Subform Photobook
Topics British Holiday
Methods Photography
Language English
Format Hardcover cloth-spine
Dimensions 19.6 × 15.6 cm
Pages 120