
Publisher Note

The 42 photographs of eggs, cutlery and other objects, collected in 7 tables, are Polaroids taken in recent years on objects that I find at home or that I collect on the street. They appear on the table, then go back to being what they were.
The short texts are fragments of popular books, residues of pages cut to compose other texts.
Alessandra Spranzi works by photographing, refracting, collecting, cutting, indicating, deleting. It intervenes when images and things move away from their use and become, so to speak, unaware of themselves, their possibilities and their beauty.

Artists’ Book

Uova, posate e altri oggetti / Eggs, cutlery and other objects

by Alessandra Spranzi

Release Place Milan, Italy
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2018
Printrun 480
ISBN-13: 978-8887071801
Subform Photobook
Methods Photography, Writing
Language Italian, English
Dimensions 16.5 × 24.0 cm
Pages 34

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