Publisher Note english italian
Inspired by the late, great cartoonist William Steig and his classic book, The Lonely Ones (which pairs Steig’s line-drawn characters with simple one-liners of dialogue-to-self), photographer Gus Powell (born 1974) made his own “lonely ones”—quiet but evocative color photographs of interiors and landscapes, inhabited by people, animals and inanimate characters.
Every photograph is paired with a suggestive text, functioning here as the opposite of a caption—each of the 40 color photographs in The Lonely Ones is hidden by a gate fold, on which is printed the single phrase. Every photograph is revealed individually behind its gate fold. “Which way to the symposium?,” paired with a photograph of a butterfly in midair.
This three languages new edition published by Lazy Dog is enriched, in addition to English, by Italian and Japanese translations.
Ispirato dall’ultimo, grande cartoonist William Steig e il suo celebre libro, The Lonely Ones (che combina i personaggi disegnati al tratto da Steig con semplici battute di dialogo con se stessi), il fotografo Gus Powell ha creato il proprio “lonely ones”. Fotografie a colori tranquille ma evocative di interni e paesaggi, abitati da persone, animali e personaggi inanimati.
Ogni fotografia è accompagnata da un testo suggestivo, che funziona al contrario di una didascalia: ciascuna delle 40 immagini del libro è nascosta dalla pagina ripiegata su se stessa, sul cui retro è stampata la frase. Così ogni fotografia si rivela una per volta aprendo la pagina. “Da che parte per il convegno?” commenta la fotografia di una farfalla a mezz’aria.
Publisher | |
Release Date | 2016 |
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Subform | Photobook |
Topics | Fiction |
Methods | Photography |
Language | English, Italian, Japanese |
Object | |
Format | Hardcover |
Weight | 200 gram |
Interior | |
Pages | 90 |
Web references
abebookslast updated 1674 days ago
Data Contributor: Artphilein Library, Choisi Bookshop
Created by ArtphileinLibrary
Edited by edcat, ArtphileinLibrary