
Publisher Note

An anthology with poetic, literary, scientific and philosophical texts to accompany the artistic exploration of the Anthropocene. The book is conceived as a choir with different voices, that while singing in different tones and depths, comes together in unison to comment and expand on the Anthropocene as a living and critical subject.

The Anthology is divided into 5 chapters, each dealing with different elements that relate in a vital way to the way we interact with the planet. The Plasticsphere deals with plastic and its pervasive presence; Sentient Beings is a chapter about animism and the interconnected spirit. Seeds explores plants and trees as locations of ecological disruption, Political Ecology highlights the connections between economic development and marginalisation and lastly, Radium and Polonium is a chapter which crystallizes the philosophical weight and geopolitical importance of atomic power.


We Can Stay Here While We Wait

— Voices in the Anthropocene

by Various Authors

Release Place Denmark
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2017
Artist: Various Authors
Printrun 200
Subform Photobook
Topics Anthropocene, Environment
Methods Essay, Photography
Language English, Danish
Format Hardcover clothbound
Dimensions 16.4 × 24.5 cm
Pages 272