
Publisher Note

Withstanding the Shatter of Origins is a limited edition artist book series. The book is a nonlinear project diary consisting of a number of loose pages depicting scanned water colors, fictional texts, descriptions of working processes and photos. The pages are contained in a Michael Harding oil paint box (125 x 85 mm) with silk screen print.

Whitstanding the Shatter of Origins: First Excerpt was showed at Kunstnernes Hus as part of Andrea Bakketuns MA degree show in 2013.

Artists’ Book

Withstanding the Shatter of Origins: First Excerpt

by Andrea Bakketun

Publisher self-published
Release Place Oslo, Norway
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2013
Artist: Andrea Bakketun
Printrun 30
Inscription signed, numbered
Availability Available
Dimensions 85.0 × 125.0 cm
Pages 33