Case A Overhead, image source: ABC

Work Description

ABCEUM re-imagines the museum as a book installation. Each room in the museum is a print-on-demand artist’s book of a different size and material. Assembled, the 22 self-published books constitute a variable floor-plan which visitors can wander through. ABCEUM is an evolving project that can be added to and expanded, with its own changing programme of exhibitions—much like any museum. In ABCEUM, however, the idea of a museum itself can become its own subject.

Publisher Note

ABCEUM re-imagines the museum as a book installation. Each room in the museum is a print-on-demand artist’s book of a different size and material. Assembled, the 22 self-published books constitute a variable floor-plan which visitors can wander through. ABCEUM is an evolving project that can be added to and expanded, with its own changing programme of exhibitions—much like any museum. In ABCEUM, however, the idea of a museum itself can become its own subject.

last updated 1467 days ago

Created by rahelzoller

Edited by rahelzoller, edcat