image source: Vice Versa

Publisher Note

Tracing how the color blue has shaped human perception from our deep evolutionary past to our digital age, Pamela Rosenkranz’s multilayered works activate historical references to art, culture, and religion. Alien Blue Light, an intervention in the Fraumünster cloister in Zurich as part of the city’s five-hundred-year anniversary celebrations of the Reformation, reflects on historical shifts in religion. In the immersive installation, which at once evokes the supernatural and the artificial, the historical architecture of the cloister collides with a posthuman future. Similarly, in the preceding exhibition Alien Culture at GAMeC, a former monastery in Bergamo that has been converted into a museum, overpainted digital reproductions of Gentile Bellini’s Renaissance painting Miracolo della reliquia della Croce al ponte di San Lorenzo (1500) link ancient religious practices with contemporary visual culture. Published as part of the Reformation celebrations “500 Years of Zurich Reformation."

Release Place Zurich, Switzerland
Bergamo, Italy
Milan, Italy
Edition 1st edition
Release Date February 2021
Designer: Teo Schifferli
ISBN-13: 978-88-6749-379-1
Topics Blue
Language English, German
Format Softcover
Dimensions 17.0 × 22.5 cm
Pages 96

last updated 631 days ago

Data Contributor: Vice Versa

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