image source: Vice Versa

Publisher Note

Homes by Harley Weir shows photographs made between 17 and 28 October 2016 in the migrant and refugee camps of Calais. Taken immediately before and during the clearing of this provisional settlement, Weir’s images bear witness to the humanity and ingenuity of those living there - constructing the domestic and familiar against a backdrop of displacement.

The photographs show us the homes and private spaces of the camp. In the face of oppression and indifference from those most poised to provide assistance, Homes shows a stubborn commitment to the small, personal spaces of humanity within the Calais camp.

Edition 2nd edition
Release Date 2018
Artist: Harley Weir
ISBN-13: 978-0-9934303-3-6
Subform Photobook
Topics Calais, Camp, Contemporary Photography, Housing, Refugee, Social Documentary
Language English
Format Softcover
Dimensions 22.4 × 28.5 cm
Pages 64

last updated 1956 days ago

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Edited by edcat