
Cover: Nathan

Publisher Note

There is no photographic record of the period when Mexico ruled what is now the American West. To visualize the people and places from the remarkable yet unseen Mexican era, photographer TOMAS VAN HOUTRYVE photographed the region with glass plates and a 19th-century wooden camera. Van Houtryve pairs portraits of direct descendants of early inhabitants of the West—mestizo, Afro-Latin, indigenous, Crypto-Jewish—with photographs of landscapes along the original border and architecture from the Mexican period. This book challenges dominant Western mythologies and questions the role that photographs—both present and missing—have played in shaping the identity of the West.


Lines + Lineage

by Tomas Van Houtryve

Release Place Santa Fe, NM, United States of America
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2019
ISBN-13: 9781942185628
Subform Photobook
Topics American West
Methods Photography
Language English, Spanish
Dimensions 22.5 × 33.0 × 3.0 cm
Pages 160
Technique Offset