
Publisher Note

To see these photographs is to be in the presence of a master of constructed photo-dramas. Patrick Nagatani's tableaux are remarkably elaborate meditations about the landscape and the people of the state, as the photographer notes, "contains the most extensive nuclear-weapons research, management, training, and testing facilities and organizations in the United States. These large format photographs characterized by an intense, sulfuric color explore with profound wit and irony Negatani's deep understanding of nuclear fear in out time. Eugenia Parry Janis's lively and subjective essay informs with provocative insights into Nagatani's work and his magical obsessive personality and places him in a curtural context. This is an important book and one not to be missed.


Nuclear Enchantment

by Patrick Nagatani

Release Place Albuquerque, NM, United States of America
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 1991
Editor: Dana Asbury
ISBN-13: 9780826312723
Subform Photobook
Topics Atomic Energy, Nuclear, Nuclear Weapons, Nucleare
Methods Essay, Photography
Language English
Format softcover
Dimensions 30.4 × 22.5 cm
Pages 140