Front Cover


100 copies with numbered and signed original Print.

Publisher Note english italian

Sharkification is about the “favelas” and the Brazilian government’s strategy to attempt to control them during the soccer World Cup by involving armed units. It created a militarisation of the communities, where suddenly everybody becomes a suspect. The shark metaphor aims to explain the dynamics into place. “I used the comparison with a submarine world to imagine that the favelas are a coral reef where there are predators…”  When most of the photojournalists keep trying to play with feelings, Cristina de Middel uses humour, which seems to be a more intelligent way to look at things and that helps people becoming more curious.

Cristina de Middel's new book Sharkification imagines the favelas of Brazil as a coral reef where the battle between the police and drug gangs can be seen as if sharks in pursuit of small fishes.

Release Place São Paulo, Brazil
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2015
Printrun 1500
ISBN-13: 9788569557074
Subform Photobook
Topics Brazil, Favelas, Society
Methods Photography
Language English
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 23.0 × 16.0 cm
Weight 1,000 gram
Pages 140

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