Publisher Note english italian

"In March 1917, Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin), leader of the revolutionary Bolshevik Party left his exile in Zurich. Eight months later, he assumed the leadership of 160 million people occupying one-sixth of the world’s inhabited surface. On April 9th 1917, with the support of German authorities, at war with Russia at the time, he travelled back to his own country on a train across Germany, Sweden and Finland to reach Finland Station in St. Petersburg on April 16th where, after a decade in exile, he took the reins of the Russian Revolution. One month before, Czar Nicholas II had been forced from power when Russian army troops joined a workers’ revolt in Petrograd, the Russian capital. In a bullet point document, known as "The April Theses",  Lenin called for the overthrow of the Provisional Government and outlines the strategy which, within seven months, will lead to the October Revolution and bring the Bolsheviks to power. 100 year later, I created a chronology of two weeks of Lenin's life just before the events that changed Russia and the entire world. In search of the original draft of “The April Theses”, I recreated and sometimes reenacted, on a real non-invented trip, Lenin’s epic journey inspired by the archival documents I found at the R.G.A.S.P.I. (Russian State Archive of Soviet Political History) and historical books including “To Finland Station” by Edmund Wilson and “The Sealed Train” by Michael Pearson. The final work is a collection of contemporary landscapes, forensic archival photographs and staged self-portraits which retrace a journey in space and time."

Nel marzo del 1917, Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin), leader del Partito rivoluzionario bolscevico, pose fine al suo esilio in Svizzera. Con l'appoggio delle autorità tedesche, all'epoca in guerra con la Russia, Lenin viaggiò in treno attraverso la Germania, la Svezia e la Finlandia per far ritorno in patria. Il 16 aprile a San Pietroburgo, assunse il comando della Rivoluzione russa e tracciò per i bolscevichi, nelle Tesi di aprile, un programma in dieci punti pubblicato il 20 aprile. A cento anni di distanza, Davide Monteleone ripercorre le due settimane che precedono gli eventi che hanno cambiato la storia della Russia e del resto del mondo. Sulle tracce della copia orginale delle Tesi di aprile, ispirandosi a documenti di archivio trovati presso il R.G.A.S.P.I. (Archivio di stato russo della storia politica dell'Unione Sovietica) e a libri di storia come To Finland Station di Edmund Wilson e The Sealed Train di Michael Pearson, Monteleone ricostruisce e talora rimette in scena il viaggio epico di Lenin attraverso paesaggi, immagini d'archivio e autoritratti "allestiti".

Artist Monograph

Davide Monteleone

The April Theses 1917-2017

edited by David E. Sherman

Release Place Rome, Italy
Pomezia, Italy
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2016
Printrun 700
ISBN-13: 9788898391608
Subform Photobook
Topics Europe, Germany, Lenin, Russia, San Pietroburgo, Sweden, Switzerland
Methods Photography
Language English
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 23.6 × 17.0 cm
Weight 500 gram
Pages 128

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Artphilein Library

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