
Publisher Note

Including a DVD with two films

Kafkanistan explores the world of present-day travel and tourism to Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran; it is an image of that world based on actual happenings. What started with an email asking Lukas Birk to join the ethnographer Sean Foley on a documentary research about tourism to Afghanistan turned into 3 year project resulting in 3 films, a book and touring multi-media installation. Kafkanistan started in 2005. The book Kafkanistan was published in 2008 by Fraglich Publishing and republished in 2012 by Glitterati Inc. It offers fascinating stories, souvenirs and rumour infused realities.

Release Place Vienna, Austria
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2008
Writer: Sean Foley
Artist: Lukas Birk
ISBN-13: 9783200011304
Subform Photobook
Topics Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Tourism
Methods Photography, Writings
Language English
Dimensions 21.0 × 21.0 × 3.0 cm
Pages 260