
Publisher Note

Photographs by William Eggleston. Introduction by William Eggleston III. Essay by Mark Holborn.

Eggleston is largely credited with legitimising colour photography as a fine art form. More than a century after the advent of colour film, his first museum exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, New York in 1976, was also the first fine art exhibition of colour photography. Some thirty-five years after this historic moment, he continues to innovate in the photographic medium.

The portfolio contains two sewn-bound folios (one with 10 vertically oriented plates and the introduction, another contains 27 horizontally oriented plates), and an illustrated 16pp. booklet with an essay by Mark Holborn.

Designed by Goto Design, New York. Unpaginated, with 37 large four-color plates beautifully printed on heavy matte paper by The Avery Group at Shapco Printing, Minneapolis, from separations by VS + Company, New York. 14-1/2 x 10 inches.

Published on the occasion of an exhibition at Gagosian Gallery, Beverly Hills, California.

Release Place New York, NY, United States of America
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2012
ISBN-13: 9781935263685
Subform Photobook
Topics Urban Landscape
Methods Photography
Language English
Dimensions 25.4 × 36.0 × 2.5 cm
Pages 94
Technique Offset

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