Publisher Note

‘The persistence of thoughts of such a kind in individual memory is very rare. If they are not fixed by writing or other means, they tend to disappear in a short time. This process of erasure operates in a similar manner to what happens during the forgetting of dreams. One of the central ideas behind my work is that it is possible to make an artwork which concentrates attention on non-functional thoughts. My practice is an attempt to better articulate these thoughts by building a communicative context in which they can be recognised by others as part of a shared patrimony. At best, this investigation points to the possible existence of a psychic dimension which is generally ignored. The non-functional thought I deal with can retain the form of a ‘project’ or, as in this publication, of an ‘instruction’ which, through various technical choices, and in different circumstances, can become an element of communication and of socialisation.’ – Cesare Pietroiusti

Artists’ Book

Non-Functional Thoughts

by Cesare Pietroiusti

Release Place Vienna, Austria
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2018
Printrun 2000
ISBN-13: 9783950452525
Original Price 12.00 EUR
Availability Available
Subform Booklet
Topics Dreams, Memory, Thought
Language German, English
Labeling Nicht-zweckorientierte Gedanken (1978-2018) / Non-Functional Thoughts (1978-2018)
Format Softcover
Dimensions 14.8 × 21.0 cm
Weight 140 gram
Pages 120

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