Publisher Note
poemproducer's first poetry book includes 30 poems compiled from AGF's poem-newsletter randomly translated into 5 languages - in real poem producer fashion.
Artistic Exploration Of Digital Technology Through The Deconstruction Of Language And Communication.
poeemitootjanna /poemproducer / производителя стихотворения / メーカーの詩 / runojen tuottaja / hersteller dichtungen
by AGF
Publisher | |
Release Place | Tartu, Estonia |
Edition | 1st edition |
Release Date | 2015 |
Credits |
Printrun | 500 |
Work | |
Topics | E-Poetry |
Object |
Interior | |
Technique | Offset |
last updated 2507 days ago
Created by ParanoiaPublishingGroupLtd
Edited by ParanoiaPublishingGroupLtd, edcat