
Publisher Note

In The Blindest Man, Graham’s photographs reflect the mysterious clues of the hunt. Elusive and unexplained symbols occur throughout, such as a peacock on a hillside, markings on a wall, a spiral staircase leading into the sky—all left open to interpretation by the viewer. There is a sense of both implied narrative and pursuit with images of roads and paths which lead out of sight and a phone just off the hook. The motif of ‘unseeing’ recurs throughout—a man peering through a hole in the wall, a face obscured by dabbled sunlight and an eyeball in the palm of a hand. Graham’s photographs are presented alongside documentation around the search. Fictions and facts, combined with conjecture, collectively presenting the contradictions of a pursuit that has no answers and no end.


The Blindest Man

by Emily Graham

Release Place Athens, Greece
Edition 1st edition
Release Date 2022
Writer: Emily Graham
Artist: Emily Graham
Printrun 750
ISBN-13: 978-618-5479-20-6
Subform Photobook
Topics France, Hunt, Landscapes
Methods Photography
Language English
Format Hardcover
Dimensions 22.0 × 28.0 cm
Pages 104